Tout sur les Fiches, Clubs, Matricules



Fiche Individuelle de Brion, Philippe (74888) période: 202001

│ Stamnummer: 74888                                                                                                         Oude ELO   1805   Nieuwe ELO    1782  │
│                                                                Individuele Fiche                                                            Winst          -23  │
│ Brion, Philippe                                                                                                                             # Part.         17  │
│ NG │ Teg.│Naam Voornaam tegenstander     │k│  W │               │Datum   │Bestand                                                                               │
│    │21218│Mechkor, Mohamed               │Z│ 1.0│               │20191122│S_SWAR_A1_Fall The Belgian_R01-09.209                                                 │
│    │17488│Al-Kili Adil, Sofia            │W│ 1.0│               │20191011│S_SWAR_A1_Fall The Belgian_R01-09.209                                                 │
│ Prt│ Teg.│Naam Voornaam tegenstander│ Elo│k│  W │  We │ Winst│ K│Datum   │Bestand                                                                               │
│1210│55549│Castiau, Julien           │1458│Z│ 1.0│ 0.89│ +0.11│16│20190923│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1211│14119│Solsky, Itzhak            │2036│Z│ 1.0│ 0.21│ +0.79│16│20190929│929INT01A.998                                                                         │
│1212│75671│Peeters, Simonne          │1650│W│ 0.5│ 0.71│ -0.21│16│20190930│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1213│97535│Le Van, Ky                │1650│W│ 1.0│ 0.71│ +0.29│16│20191007│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1214│91073│Jassem, Philippe          │1698│Z│ 0.5│ 0.65│ -0.15│16│20191013│A13INT02A.998                                                                         │
│1215│49425│Thierens, Christian       │1852│Z│ 0.0│ 0.43│ -0.43│16│20191014│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1216│15676│Souweine, Edwige          │1197│Z│ 1.0│ 0.92│ +0.08│16│20191018│S_SWAR_A1_Fall The Belgian_R01-09.209                                                 │
│1217│13408│Sofia, Tommaso            │1501│W│ 0.5│ 0.86│ -0.36│16│20191104│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1218│57312│Lanoye, Regis             │1982│W│ 0.0│ 0.27│ -0.27│16│20191108│S_SWAR_A1_Fall The Belgian_R01-09.209                                                 │
│1219│12407│Hakim, Emmanuel           │1445│W│ 1.0│ 0.90│ +0.10│16│20191117│B17INT04A.998                                                                         │
│1220│14805│Reghabi Gholami, Jahangir │1674│Z│ 0.5│ 0.68│ -0.18│16│20191118│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1221│72362│Lefevre, Stephane         │1549│W│ 0.5│ 0.81│ -0.31│16│20191125│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1222│97333│Minne, Joel               │1702│Z│ 1.0│ 0.64│ +0.36│16│20191202│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1223│60336│Soubrier, Aude            │1942│W│ 0.0│ 0.32│ -0.32│16│20191206│S_SWAR_A1_Fall The Belgian_R01-09.209                                                 │
│1224│13368│Yoro, Samuel              │1713│W│ 0.0│ 0.63│ -0.63│16│20191209│S_SWAR_S1_Brussels Fall Open 2019_R01-11.244                                          │
│1225│79197│Faybish, Nimrod           │2209│Z│ 0.0│ 0.08│ -0.08│16│20191213│S_SWAR_A1_Fall The Belgian_R01-09.209                                                 │
│1226│67032│Draidi, Ahmed             │1999│W│ 0.0│ 0.25│ -0.25│16│20191220│S_SWAR_A1_Fall The Belgian_R01-09.209                                                 │
│  17│Gemiddelde tegenstanders (Rc)   │1721│ │ 8.5│ 9.96│ -1.46│  │                                                                                               │
│   Ri=Begin ELO  , Rf=Einde ELO, Ki=Begin K  , Kf=Einde K, # Part.=Aantal partijen.                                                                              │
│   W=Som van de behaalde punten, We=Som van de verwachte scores, G=Winst                                                                                         │
│   # Part.=  17  Ri=1805                                                                                                                                         │
│   Berekeningsformule: G =  (   W -    We) *  K                                                                                                                  │
│                       G =  ( 8.5 -  9.96) * 16 = -23.36                                                                                                         │
│                       Rf = Ri + G                                                                                                                               │
│                       Rf = 1805 -23.36 = 1782                                                                                                                   │